Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has introduced a new plan of Rs. 1,999 which can give upto 200Mbps speed. The plan comes with a FUP limit of 1.5TB which equals to 1500GB, and after this limit, the speed will be throttled to 2Mbps. For now, it has been introduced in Telangana and Chennai circles and will be valid for 90 days only.
The new BSNL 1500GB CS55 broadband plan includes unlimited calling to any domestic network. This plan is already listed on BSNL’s official website and subscribers can avail this benefit upto 6th April 2020. Also, users have to migrate to any other plan later on because this plan is only for promotional purpose and is not valid for a longer period of time.
All BSNL Bharat Fiber plans come with Amazon Prime membership worth Rs 999 for Free but it is not mentioned anywhere whether this plan comes with this benefit or not. This one definitely competes with the JioFiber’s Rs. 2,499 broadband plan that comes with upto 500Mbps speed with a FUP limit of 1.25TB. The plan was first spotted by BSNL Teleservices.