Panasonic Eluga Ray 810 was launched in India on 15th November and will be exclusively on Flipkart. The device is powered by octa-core MediaTek Helio P22 SoC processor and a 4,000mAh battery. The phone comes with a price tag of Rs. 16,990, but for now it is available only for Rs. 7,999.
It features a 6.19-inch HD+ IPS display with a screen resolution of 720 x 1500 pixels. Panasonic Eluga Ray 810 comes with a dual rear camera that includes a 16MP primary sensor and a 2MP depth sensor. For selfies, there is a 16MP camera with a LED flash that will help you to take brighter selfies in low light conditions. Also, the phone comes in a single storage variant – 4GB RAM + 64GB internal storage.
Thought the storage space can be easily expanded upto 128GB by using an external microSD card. There will be two colour variants – Starry Black and Turquoise Blue, both the variants are up for sale on Flipkart.
Huawei P Smart Pro is basically the European variant of Huawei Y9s. It comes with a pop-up camera module and it will be powered by octa-core HiSilicon Kirin 710F SoC processor and a 4,000mAh battery. The smartphone is currently being listed in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Poland, and Ukraine. It will come in two colour variants…
Swiggy is now hiking its membership prices for Swiggy Super and the company informed about the change in pricing structure via an Email. The company started this paid subscription programme in July 2018 and it offers multiple benefits to the customers. Also, they have clearly mentioned that the price change is fully applicable for existing…
LynQ is a GPS compass for staying connected with family and friends with no internet charges and no monthly fees. The device creates a private and secure network to locate your loved ones. The GPS Tracker LynQ can find people anywhere in the world with a range of upto 3miles (4.82Kms). You can connect 12…
Realme C3 launched in India today and will be available on sale on Flipkart, from 14th of February, starting from 12 P.M., it will also be available in offline retailers across India soon. The device is powered by 12nm MediaTek Helio G70 SoC processor and a huge 5,000mAh battery. The smartphone comes in two…
Jio has revised its Prepaid Plan of Rs 149 and now the validity of the plan has been revised to 24 days from 28 days. Jio to non-Jio calling minutes has been increased to 300 minutes. The company also moved the plan to it’s All in One section where users get a bunch of benefits….
Samsung yesterday officially unveiled and launched Galaxy S10 Lite, Note 10 Lite after so many rumours and leaks that were coming out a few days back. Basically these lite versions are of last year’s flagships. Galaxy S10 Lite The device is powered by Snapdragon 855 chipset and a 4,500mAh battery. It runs on Android…