Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has launched a new Rs. 997 long term prepaid plan in India that comes with 180 days of validity. The offer will provide 3GB data per day, unlimited calls to any network. This new plan will be available in all telecom circles and it was first spotted by Telecom Talk.
Let’s talk about the benefits you will get by recharging this plan, 3GB high-speed data daily (after that the speed will be reduced to 80kbps), 100 SMS daily, unlimited calling to any network (limited to 250 minutes per day). The following plan will be effective from 10th November 2019. Also, users will get caller tune service for absolutely free of charge, valid for two months.
Details of BSNL ₹997 prepaid plan
- Cost: ₹997
- Validity: 180 days
- Availability: All telecom circles
- SMS: 100 free daily
- Data: 3 GB per day
- Calling: unlimited voice calling
- Roaming: included
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